Oddly Correct began as a wholesale roasting business, and we continue to help others pursue serving excellent coffee across the nation. We are always excited to find like-minded folks who get jazzed about exceptional coffee. For us, our wholesale partners are fellow soldiers in the daily war against mediocrity. If this sounds like you, or you are just looking for a reliable source for really tasty coffee, get in touch by sending us an email.

While we may have a reputation for serving some of the most unique coffees sans cream or sugar, don’t let that intimidate you! We have a wide range of coffees year-round to fit your taste and budget, from unique microlots to clean and balanced coffees for drip, cold brew and espresso. If you’re into:

  • excellent coffees at a good price to you and great prices to producers
  • true small businesses, owned by people committed to the ethical treatment and fair pay of all people in their employ
  • pursuit of environmentally sustainable practices in coffee production
  • dedicated training and education for your team
  • free shipping on orders 25 lbs and over

then get in touch and we’ll start a conversation!

Ask About Wholesale