Ndimaini factory is located near Karatina town, and services 1143 smallholder farmers from three local villages, each farmer growing about 250 trees per lot, as well as corn and bananas. The area’s land is red volcanic soil, and the farmers also typically grow macadamia and gravellea for shade. At this factory, farmers are given advances to pay for schooling as well as necessary inputs for their farms, and there are trainings held every year by the factory manager.

Coffee in Kenya is typically traceable down to the factory, or mill level: Most farmers own between 1/8 to 1/4 of a hectare, and often grow crops other than coffee as well, which means they rely on a central processing unit for sale and processing of their coffee. Producers deliver in cherry form to a factory, where the cooperative will sort, weigh, and issue payment for the delivery. The coffee is then blended with the rest of the day’s deliveries and goes on to be processed. Because of this system, which serves many hundreds to several thousands of smallholder farmers per factory, there is limited traceability down to the individual producers whose coffee comprises the lots.

Tasting Notes

plum, cane sugar, grapefruit

  • Cup Profile - smooth, silky, floral
  • Country of Origin - Kenya
  • Growning Region - Mathira, Nyeri
  • Cultivars - Batian, SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11
  • Processing - Washed
  • Elevation - 1600 MASL


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